Every Heartbeat Matters guidelines & reporting obligations
We know that educating people can make a big impact on the global burden of heart valve disease. As such, Every Heartbeat Matters supports public education programs that bring awareness of heart valve disease, associated symptoms, self-screening tools, treatment options and prevention opportunities to underserved people. This includes conferences, symposia, community meetings, group presentations, one-on-one counseling, websites, printed materials, television programs, videos and social media. While not required, preference will be given to programs that also screen for and/or treat for heart valve disease. If the program includes non-clinical volunteer opportunities, we encourage engagement of Edwards’ global employees.

Funding guidelines for public education programs
- Supports public education for underserved people
- Our support of the program must be significant to count the results towards our goal
- Heart valve screenings must be performed by a licensed clinician using auscultation (stethoscope) or echocardiogram
- If a heart valve condition is detected, a medically appropriate path of care must be outlined for the patient including a referral to a treating physician or indigent care programs
- A focus on those who are most at risk – people over the age of 50, those at risk of rheumatic heart disease, or a genetic predisposition
- At least 10% of overall program time must be focused on heart valve disease (preference will be given to programs with a greater percentage of time spent on this topic)
- Programs may represent multi-year opportunities, however, continued funding will be evaluated annually
- Grant request limit is $250,000 (proposals for larger scale, exceptionally high-impact programs that require funding beyond this amount may be submitted to Edwards_Foundation@Edwards.com)
- U.S.-based organizations must be a tax-qualified charitable organization by demonstrating 501(c)(3) tax status, and qualifying as a not-for-profit public charity as defined by Section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3) of the Internal Revenue Code; organizations based outside the U.S. must be a public charity substantially similar in governance, operation and mission to qualified U.S.-based organizations
- Program content should be free of any commercial influence, should not promote Edwards’ products, and should reflect that independence standards, such as those promulgated by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, are followed
Reporting obligations for public education programs
Each partner will be required to certify the accuracy of all data reported upon completion of a program or funding period. Below is a list of data required for Every Heartbeat Matters public education programs:
- Number of underserved people educated. For programs not conducted in person, confirmation must include feedback from the person educated in some documented fashion, for example:
- Symposia, seminars, conferences and meetings – Number of underserved people in attendance
- One-on-one counseling – Number of underserved people educated/counseled
- Websites – Number of underserved people who viewed the heart valve content provided on the website for longer than one minute, downloaded or printed educational materials about heart valve disease, or confirmed in some other documented fashion (check box, brief online tutorial, text entry, email, etc.), that they learned about heart valve disease from the website
- Printed materials – Number of underserved people who received the information and went to a unique website, called a phone number, mailed a tear-off card back to program managers for more information or to confirm they learned about heart valve disease from the program; or confirmed to program manager or otherwise documented that they learned about heart valve disease from the printed materials
- Copy of marketing, training and educational material for the event including a complete agenda, if applicable
- If applicable, include clinical education, screening and treatment data requested under respective Every Heartbeat Matters program guidelines as well
- Data must be reported within 30 days of program completion or the end of the funding period, whichever is sooner
- The Every Heartbeat Matters reporting tool may be useful for data collection
- Partners will be provided a link to the reporting portal when data are due
We know that well-trained clinicians play a significant role in reducing the global burden of heart valve disease. As such, Every Heartbeat Matters supports clinical education programs that bring medically appropriate heart valve training and knowledge to clinicians caring for underserved people. This includes medical training, conferences, symposia, lectures and research. While not required, preference will be given to programs that also screen for and/or treat heart valve disease. If the program includes non-clinical volunteer opportunities, we encourage engagement of Edwards’ global employees.

Funding guidelines for clinical education programs
- Supports clinical education for clinicians caring for underserved people
- We encourage symposia, conferences, etc. to qualify for accredited continuing medical education (CME)
- At least 10% of overall program time must be focused on heart valve disease (preference will be given to programs with a greater percentage of time spent on this topic)
- Our support of the program must be significant to count the results towards our goal
- Programs may represent multi-year opportunities, however, continued funding will be evaluated annually
- Grant request limit is $250,000 (proposals for larger scale, exceptionally high-impact programs that require funding beyond this amount may be submitted to Edwards_Foundation@Edwards.com)
- U.S.-based organizations must be a tax-qualified charitable organization by demonstrating 501(c)(3) tax status, and qualifying as a not-for-profit public charity as defined by Section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3) of the Internal Revenue Code; organizations based outside the U.S. must be a public charity substantially similar in governance, operation and mission to qualified U.S.-based organizations
- Program content should be free of any commercial influence, should not promote Edwards’ products, and should reflect that independence standards, such as those promulgated by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, are followed
Reporting obligations for clinical education programs
Each partner will be required to certify the accuracy of all data reported upon completion of a program or funding period. Below is a list of data required for Every Heartbeat Matters clinical education programs:
- Number of clinicians educated who are caring for underserved people. For programs not conducted in person, confirmation must include feedback from the person educated in some documented fashion, for example:
- Medical training – Number of clinicians caring for underserved people that were trained
- Symposia, seminars, conferences and meetings - Number of clinicians caring for underserved people that were in attendance
- Websites - Number of clinicians caring for underserved people who viewed the heart valve content provided on the website for longer than one minute, downloaded or printed educational materials about heart valve disease, or confirmed in some other documented fashion (check box, brief online tutorial, text entry, email, etc.), that they learned about heart valve disease from the website
- Printed materials - Number of clinicians caring for underserved people who received the information and went to a unique website, called a phone number, mailed a tear-off card back to program managers for more information or to confirm they learned about heart valve disease from the program; or confirmed to program manager or otherwise documented that they learned about heart valve disease from the printed materials
- Number of underserved individuals impacted by the educated clinicians. For programs that are educating clinicians who then serve the underserved, for the grant period, detail the number of underserved patients that were impacted by that education.
- Copy of marketing, training and educational material for the event including a complete agenda, if applicable
- If applicable, include public education, screening and treatment data requested under respective Every Heartbeat Matters program guidelines as well
- Data must be reported within 30 days of program completion or the end of the funding period, whichever is sooner
- The Every Heartbeat Matters reporting tool may be useful for data collection
- Partners will be provided a link to the reporting portal when data are due
Public disclosure of financial arrangements with health care professionals
We are committed to transparency in our financial arrangements with health care professionals, provider organizations, teaching institutions, and non-profit organizations. We reserve the right to publicly disclose information regarding the terms of any financial support provided by our Foundation. Such public disclosures may be legally required under federal, state or local law, rule or regulation (e.g., the Sunshine Law provisions of the Affordable Care Act). Additionally, we may publish such information on our website or in any other public manner to provide full disclosure of our financial arrangements with health care professionals.
Screening for heart valve disease helps to detect life-threatening issues before it is too late. Every Heartbeat Matters supports programs that screen underserved at-risk people (those with rheumatic heart disease, a genetic predisposition, or who are over the age of 50) for all forms of heart valve disease, which can be done in connection with broader health screenings. While not required, preference will be given to programs that also educate about and/or treat heart valve disease. If the program includes non-clinical volunteer opportunities, we encourage engagement of Edwards' global employees.

Funding guidelines for screening programs
- Supports heart valve screenings for underserved people
- Our support of the program must be significant to count the results towards our goal
- Heart valve screenings must be performed by a licensed clinician using auscultation (stethoscope) or echocardiogram
- If a heart valve condition is detected, a medically appropriate path of care must be outlined for the patient including a referral to a treating physician or indigent care programs
- A focus on those who are most at risk – people over the age of 50, those at risk of rheumatic heart disease, or a genetic predisposition
- Programs may represent multi-year opportunities, however, continued funding will be evaluated annually
- Grant request limit is $250,000 (proposals for larger scale, exceptionally high-impact programs that require funding beyond this amount may be submitted to Edwards_Foundation@Edwards.com)
- U.S.-based organizations must be a tax-qualified charitable organization by demonstrating 501(c)(3) tax status, and qualifying as a not-for-profit public charity as defined by Section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3) of the Internal Revenue Code; organizations based outside the U.S. must be a public charity substantially similar in governance, operation and mission to qualified U.S.-based organizations
Reporting obligations for screening programs
Each partner will be required to certify the accuracy of all data reported upon completion of a program or funding period. Below is a list of data required for Every Heartbeat Matters screening programs:
- Number of underserved people screened for heart valve disease in each age range
- 0 – 24
- 25 – 49
- 50+
- Number of heart valve conditions detected
- If applicable, include clinical education, public education, and treatment data requested under respective Every Heartbeat Matters program guidelines as well
- Data must be reported within 30 days of program completion or the end of the funding period, whichever is sooner
- The Every Heartbeat Matters reporting tool may be useful for data collection
- Partners will be provided a link to the reporting portal when data are due
We know that many people die from heart valve disease when resources and treatment options are scarce. Every Heartbeat Matters supports programs that help underserved patients receive the heart valve care they need. This includes medical treatment, transportation to care, product donation and case management programs. While not required, preference will be given to programs that also educate about and/or screen for heart valve disease. If the program includes non-clinical volunteer opportunities, we encourage engagement of Edwards’ global employees.

Funding guidelines for treatment programs
- Supports heart valve treatment for underserved people
- Our support of the program must be significant to count the results towards our goal
- Treatment of a patient’s heart valve condition must be performed by a licensed physician
- Programs may represent multi-year opportunities, however, continued funding will be done annually and will be evaluated annually
- Grant request limit is $250,000 (proposals for larger-scale, exceptionally high-impact programs that require funding beyond this amount may be submitted to Edwards_Foundation@Edwards.com)
- U.S.-based organizations must be a tax-qualified charitable organization by demonstrating 501(c)(3) tax status, and qualifying as a not-for-profit public charity as defined by Section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3) of the Internal Revenue Code; organizations based outside the U.S. must be a public charity substantially similar in governance, operation and mission to qualified U.S.-based organizations
Reporting obligations for treatment programs
Each partner will be required to certify the accuracy of all data reported upon completion of a program or funding period. Below is a list of data required for Every Heartbeat Matters treatment programs:
- Number of underserved heart valve patients treated/supported In each age range
- 0 – 24
- 25 – 49
- 50+
Numberof unsuccessful treatments and reasons why- If applicable, include clinical education, public education, and screening data requested under respective Every Heartbeat Matters program guidelines as well
- Data must be reported within 30 days of program completion or the end of the funding period, whichever is sooner
- The Every Heartbeat Matters reporting tool may be useful for data collection
- Partners will be provided a link to the reporting portal when data are due
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