ThermaFix工艺 ‡
ThermaFix工艺 ‡
ThermaFix工艺 ‡
Magna Ease
ThermaFix工艺 ‡
‡ 目前还没有临床数据可以评价Edwards Lifesciences组织治疗对患者的长期影响。
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT <29/>Magna Ease主动脉心脏瓣膜
- 提供了许多关键的设计特性,提高了瓣膜的易植入性
- 研究表明具有良好的EOA和低梯度 1-3
- 已证明其植入后的稳定性可达17年
- 基于性能经验证的PERIMOUNT瓣膜设计,其临床耐久性可达20年。
Magna Ease主动脉瓣膜
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease心包主动脉生物瓣膜适用于患有主动脉瓣膜疾病且必须用人工瓣膜替换原生瓣膜的患者。 同时也适用于之前植入的主动脉瓣膜无法再充分发挥作用而需要进行更换的患者。 后一种情况中,通过手术将之前植入的瓣膜取出,并将替换瓣膜植入。
- 瓣叶: 牛心包
- 支架: 钴-铬合金
- 织物覆盖支架: 聚酯布
- 瓣膜缝合环: 硅橡胶
- 型号3300TFX使用了Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix工艺‡, 处理了两个主要钙结合位点:残余的戊二醛和磷脂质
- 存储温度: 10 °C 至 25 °C (50-77 °F)
- 存储方案: 戊二醛
- 冲洗程序: 500ml(无菌生理盐水)× 60秒。 使用新的生理盐水重复操作一次
型号 | 描述 | 尺寸 | 图像 |
3300TFX | Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT 经ThermaFix工艺处理的心包主动脉生物瓣膜 ‡ |
19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm |
型号 | 描述 | 与瓣膜型号兼容 | 尺寸 |
1133SET | 测瓣器-整套 | 3300TFX | 19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm |
1133 | 测瓣器-单个 | 3300TFX | 19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm |
TRAY1133 | 附件托盘 | 3300TFX | 不适用 |
1111 | 可重复使用手柄 | 3300TFX、3000TFX、3000、2800TFX、2800、2700TFX、2700 | 不适用 |
1126 | 长型一次性手柄 | 3300TFX、3000TFX、3000、2800TFX、2800、2700TFX、2700 | 不适用 |
‡ 目前还没有临床数据可以评价Edwards Lifesciences组织治疗对患者的长期影响。
* 无因SVD导致的取出/人工瓣膜置换/再次手术。
† 无因人工瓣膜功能障碍和所有其他原因而造成的瓣膜再次手术。
- Dalmau M, et al. The Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna aortic xenograft: a new design with an improved hemodynamic performance. Interactive Cardiovasc and Thoracic Surgery 2006;5:263–267.
- Ruzicka D, et al. The Complete Supraannular Concept, In Vivo Hemodynamics of Bovine and Porcine Aortic Bioprostheses. Circulation 2009;120(11 Suppl):S139-45.
- Wendt D, et al. The new St Jude Trifecta versus Carpentier-Edwards Magna and Magna Ease aortic bioprosthesis: Is there a hemodynamic superiority? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014;147(5):1553-1560.
- Banbury MK et al. Hemodynamic Stability During 17 Years of the Carpentier-Edwards Aortic Pericardial Bioprosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg 2002;73:1460-65. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 65 yrs.)
- Pelletier LC, Carrier M, Leclerc Y, et al. The Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis: Clinical Experience with 600 Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 1995;60:S297-302. (Cohort size = 416, mean age = 63 yrs. Number at risk for Primary Valve Dysfunction at last follow-up = 18)
- Cosgrove DM, Lytle BW, Taylor PC, et al. The Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Aortic Valve. Ten-year results. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1995;110(3):651 662. (Cohort size = 310; mean age = 64.2 ± 10. 8 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Deterioration at last follow-up = 63)
- Carrier M, Pellerin M, Perrault LP, et al. Aortic Valve Replacement with Mechanical and Biologic Prosthesis in Middle-aged Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2001;71:S253-256. (Cohort size = 158, mean age = 61 ± 3 yrs. Number at risk for Valve Dysfunction at last follow-up not reported)
- Murakami T, et al. Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis: 10-year Results. J Heart Valve Dis. 1996 Jan;5(1):45-9. (Cohort size = 49, mean age = 58.6 ± 15.1 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up = 1)
- Aupart MR, Babuty DG, Guesnier L, et al. Double Valve Replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Valve: 10-year Results. J Heart Valve Dis. 1996;5(3):312-316. (Cohort size = 71, mean age = 63.4 yrs. Number at risk for Valve Structural Failure at last follow-up not reported)
- Aupart MR, Sirinelli AL, Diemont FF, et al. The Last Generation of Pericardial Valves in the Aortic Position: Ten-year Follow-up in 589 Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 1996;61(2):615-620. (Cohort size = 589, mean age = 67.5 ± 11.2 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Failure at last follow-up not reported)
- Aupart M, Simonnot I, Sirinelli A, et al. Pericardial Valves in Small Aortic Annuli: Ten Years’ Results. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 1996;10(10):879-883. (Cohort size = 90, mean age = 72.2 ± 10.1 yrs. Number at risk for Valve Failure at last follow-up not reported)
- Gao G, Wu Y, Grunkemeier GL, et al. Durability of Pericardial Versus Porcine Aortic Valves. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004;44(2):384-388. (Cohort size = 1,021, mean age = 74 yrs. Number at risk for Explant for SVD at last follow-up = 6)
- Le Tourneau T, Vincentelli A, Fayad G, et al. Ten-year Echocardiographic and Clinical Follow-up of Aortic Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial and Supraannular Prosthesis: a Case-match Study. Ann Thorac Surg. 2002;74(6):2010-2015. (Cohort size = 75, mean age = 72 ± 9 yrs. Number at risk for SVD or reoperation at last follow-up = 18)
- Banbury MK, Cosgrove DM III, Lytle BW, Smedira NG, Sabik JF, Saunders CR. Long-term Results of the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Aortic valve: A 12-year Follow-up.Ann Thorac Surg 1998;66:S73–6. (Cohort size = 310, mean age = 64.2 ± 10.8 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at last followup = 111)
- Dellgren G, David TE, Raanani E, Armstrong S, Ivanov J, Rakowski H. Late Hemodynamic and Clinical Outcomes of Aortic Valve Replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Pericardial Bioprosthesis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2002;124:146-54. (Cohort size = 254, mean age = 71 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Dysfunction at last follow-up = 6)
- Nakajima H, Aupart MR, Neville PH, Sirinelli AL, Meurisse YA, Marchand MA. Twelve-year Experience with the 19 mm Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Aortic Valve. J Heart Valve Dis 1998;7:534-539. (Cohort size = 121, mean age = 73.2 ± 9.4 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Deterioration at last follow-up = 4)
- Neville PH, et al. Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis in Aortic or Mitral Position: a 12-year Experience. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998;66(6 Suppl):S143-7. (Cohort size = 787, mean age = 68.83± 10.8` yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at last follow-up = 13)
- Pellerin M, Mihaileanu S, Couetil JP, Relland JYM, Deloche A, Fabiani JN, Jindani A, Carpentier AF. Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis in Aortic Position: Long-term Follow-up 1980 to 1994. Ann Thorac Surg. 1995;60:S292-6. (Cohort size = 124, mean age = 65 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Valve Deterioration at last follow-up = 8)
- Frater RWM, Furlong P, Cosgrove DM, Okies JE, Colburn LQ, Katz AS, Lowe NL, Ryba EA. Long-term Durability and Patient Functional Status of the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Pericardial Bioprosthesis in the Aortic Position. J Heart Valve Dis. 1998;7:48-53. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 64.9 ± 11.8 yrs. Number at risk for Valve Dysfunction at last follow-up = 28)
- Poirier NC, et al. 15-year Experience with the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998;66:S57-61. (Cohort size = 598, mean age = 65 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at last follow-up = 8)
- Banbury MK, Cosgrove DM III, White JA, et al. Age and Valve Size Effect on the Long-term Durability of the Carpentier-Edwards Aortic Pericardial Bioprosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg. 2001;72(3):753-757. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 65 ± 12 yrs. Number at risk for Explant for SVD at last follow-up not reported)
- McClure RS, Narayanasamy N, Wiegerinck E, et al. Late Outcomes for Aortic Valve Replacement with the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Bioprosthesis: Up to 17-year Follow-up in 1,000 Patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010;89(5):1410-1416. (Cohort size = 1,000, mean age = 74.1 ± 0.29 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up not reported)
- Minakata K et al. Long-Term Outcome of the Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Valve in the Aortic Position in Japanese Patients. Circulation Journal 2014;78:882-889. (Cohort size = 574, mean age = 71.9 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at 15-year follow-up = 54)
- Jamieson WR, Germann E, Aupart MR, et al. 15-year Comparison of Supra-annular Porcine and PERIMOUNT Aortic Bioprostheses. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2006;14(3):200-205. (Cohort size = 1,430, mean age = 69.5 ± 10.4 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up = 33)
- Biglioli P, Spampinato N, Cannata A, et al. Long-term outcomes of the Carpentier-Edwards pericardial valve prosthesis in the aortic position: effect of patient age. J Heart Valve Dis. 2004;13(1):S49-51. (Cohort size = 327, mean age = 67.2 ± 10.6 yrs. Number at risk for Prosthesis Replacement at last follow-up not reported)
- Bergoënd E, Aupart MR, Mirza A, et al. 20 years’ durability of Carpentier-Edwards Perimount stented pericardial aortic valve. In: Yankah CA, Weng Y, Hetzer R, eds. Aortic Root Surgery The Biological Solution. Berlin: Springer; 2010:441-451. (Cohort size = 1,857, mean age = 69.8 yrs, Number at risk for Structural Valve Deterioration at last follow-up not reported)
- Aupart MR, Mirza A, Meurisse YA, et al. Perimount Pericardial Bioprosthesis for Aortic Calcified Stenosis: 18-year Experience with 1133 Patients. J Heart Valve Dis. 2006;15(6):768-775. (Cohort size = 1,133, mean age = 72.6 yrs. Number at risk for SVD at last follow-up = 2)
- Forcillo J et al. Carpentier-Edwards Pericardial Valve in the Aortic Position: 25-Years Experience. Ann Thorac Surg 2013;96:486-93. (Cohort size = 2,405, mean age = 71 yrs. Number at risk for Structural Deterioration at last follow-up = 30)
- Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Aortic Pericardial Bioprosthesis 20-year Results. Data on file at Edwards Lifesciences, 2003. (Cohort size = 267, mean age = 65 ± 12 yrs. For patients ≥65, number at risk for explant due to SVD at last follow-up = 2)
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna主动脉心脏瓣膜
- 使得瓣膜有效开口面积(EOA)增大23%**
- 血液动力学性能良好,患者-人工瓣膜瓣膜不匹配风险低30
- 基于PERIMOUNT主动脉瓣膜设计,其临床耐久性可达20年。
- 使用 Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix工艺处理了两个主要钙结合位点:残余的戊二醛和磷脂质‡
- 数学建模、生物工程设计——优化血液动力学,具有耐久性和植入性
- 弹性的钴铬合金支架——吸收能量以减少瓣叶应力
- 三个独立牛心包瓣叶——匹配厚度和弹性,优化应力分配
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna心包主动脉生物瓣膜适用于患有主动脉瓣膜疾病且必须用人工瓣膜替换原生瓣膜的患者。 同时也适用于之前植入的主动脉瓣膜无法再充分发挥作用而需要进行更换的患者。 后一种情况中,通过手术将之前植入的瓣膜取出,并将替换瓣膜植入。
- 瓣叶: 牛心包
- 支架: 钴-铬合金
- 织物覆盖支架: 聚酯布
- 瓣膜缝合环: 硅橡胶
- 型号3000TFX 使用了Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix 工艺‡处理了两个主要钙结合位点:残余的戊二醛和磷脂质
- 型号3000 使用了XenoLogiX工艺的处理方法‡, 一种针对残余磷脂的两步处理法。
- 存储温度: 10 °C 至 25 °C (50-77 °F)
- 存储方案: 戊二醛
- 冲洗程序: 500ml(无菌生理盐水)× 60秒。 使用新的生理盐水重复操作一次
型号 | 描述 | 尺寸 | 图像 |
3000TFX | Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT 经ThermaFix工艺处理的心包主动脉生物瓣膜 ‡ |
19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm | |
3000 | Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT 心包主动脉生物瓣膜 |
19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm |
测瓣器及附件 | ||||
型号1130SET | 整套测瓣器 | |||
型号1130 | 测瓣器-单个 | |||
型号1130SET | 附件托盘 | |||
型号1111 | 可重复使用手柄 | |||
型号1126 | 一次性手柄(扩展长度) |
‡ 目前还没有临床数据可以评价Edwards Lifesciences组织治疗对患者的长期影响。
** 与具有相同缝合环外径的PERIMOUNT瓣膜相比。
- Magna Ease valve Instructions for Use
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT RSR主动脉心脏瓣膜
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT RSR主动脉瓣膜结合了已证实的设计和心包组织的优势。
- 基于PERIMOUNT主动脉瓣膜设计,其临床耐久性可达20年。
- PERIMOUNT主动脉瓣膜可维持17年的血液动力学稳定性。
- 数学建模、生物工程设计——优化血液动力学,具有耐久性和植入性
- 弹性的钴铬合金支架——吸收能量以减少瓣叶应力
- 三个独立牛心包瓣叶——匹配厚度和弹性,优化应力分配
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT心包主动脉生物瓣膜适用于患有主动脉瓣膜疾病且必须用人工瓣膜替换原生瓣膜的患者。 同时也适用于之前植入的主动脉瓣膜无法再充分发挥作用而需要进行更换的患者。 后一种情况中,通过手术将之前植入的瓣膜取出,并将替换瓣膜植入。
- 瓣叶: 牛心包
- 支架: 钴-铬合金
- 织物覆盖支架: 聚酯布
- 瓣膜缝合环: 硅橡胶
- 型号2800TFX使用了Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix 工艺‡处理了两个主要钙结合位点:残余的戊二醛和磷脂质
- 型号2800 使用了XenoLogiX工艺的处理方法‡一种针对残余磷脂的两步处理法。
- 存储温度: 10 °C 至 25 °C (50-77 °F)
- 存储方案: 戊二醛
- 冲洗程序: 500 ml(无菌生理盐水)×60s
型号 | 描述 | 尺寸 | 图像 |
2800TFX | Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT 经ThermaFix工艺处理的心包主动脉生物瓣膜 ‡ |
19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm | |
2800 | Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT RSR 心包主动脉生物瓣膜 |
19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm |
型号 | 描述 | 与瓣膜型号兼容 | 尺寸 |
1161-SET | TRUE-SIZE测瓣器-全套 | 2800TFX、2800 | 包括所有 |
1161 | TRUE-SIZE测瓣器-单个 | 2800TFX、2800 | 19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm |
TRAY1161 | 附件托盘 | 2800TFX、2800、2700TFX、2700 | 不适用 |
1111 | 可重复使用手柄 | 3300TFX、3000TFX、3000、2800TFX、2800、2700TFX、2700 | 不适用 |
1126 | 长型一次性手柄 | 3300TFX、3000TFX、3000、2800TFX、2800、2700TFX、2700 | 不适用 |
‡ 目前还没有临床数据可以评价Edwards Lifesciences组织治疗对患者的长期影响。<471/>*
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT主动脉心脏瓣膜
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT主动脉瓣膜是第一个专门为主动脉位置设计的生物力学工程瓣膜, 将经验证的设计与心包组织的优势结合。
- PERIMOUNT主动脉瓣膜性能优越,经证实其耐久性可达20年。
- PERIMOUNT主动脉瓣膜可维持17年的血液动力学稳定性。
- 数学建模、生物工程设计——优化血液动力学,具有耐久性和植入性
- 弹性的钴铬合金支架——吸收能量以减少瓣叶应力
- 三个独立牛心包瓣叶——匹配厚度和弹性,优化应力分配
Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT心包主动脉生物瓣膜适用于患有主动脉瓣膜疾病且必须用人工瓣膜替换原生瓣膜的患者。 同时也适用于之前植入的主动脉瓣膜无法再充分发挥作用而需要进行更换的患者。 后一种情况中,通过手术将之前植入的瓣膜取出,并将替换瓣膜植入。
- 瓣叶: 牛心包
- 支架: 钴-铬合金
- 织物覆盖支架: 聚酯布
- 瓣膜缝合环: 硅橡胶
- 型号2700TFX 使用了Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix 工艺‡处理了两个主要钙结合位点:残余戊二醛和磷脂质
- 型号2700 使用了XenoLogiX工艺的处理方法‡一种针对残余磷脂的两步处理法。
- 存储温度: 10 °C 至 25 °C (50-77 °F)
- 存储方案: 戊二醛
- 冲洗程序: 500ml(无菌生理盐水)× 60秒。 使用新的生理盐水重复操作一次
型号 | 描述 | 尺寸 | 图像 |
2700TFX | Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT 经ThermaFix工艺处理的心包主动脉生物瓣膜 ‡ |
19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm | |
2700 | Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT 心包主动脉生物瓣膜 |
19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm |
型号 | 描述 | 与瓣膜型号兼容 | 尺寸 |
1127-SET | 测瓣器-整套 | 2700TFX, 2700 | 包括所有 |
1127 | 测瓣器-单个 | 2700TFX, 2700 | 19mm、21mm、23mm、25mm、27mm和29mm |
TRAY1161 | 附件托盘 | 2800TFX、2800、2700TFX、2700 | 不适用 |
1111 | 可重复使用手柄 | 3300TFX、3000TFX、3000、2800TFX、2800、2700TFX、2700 | 不适用 |
1126 | 长型一次性手柄 | 3300TFX、3000TFX、3000、2800TFX、2800、2700TFX、2700 | 不适用 |
‡ 目前还没有临床数据可以评价Edwards Lifesciences组织治疗对患者的长期影响。<471/>*
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