Acumen IQ sensor unlocks the ability to predict hypotensive events* and provides insight into the root cause of hypotension (preload, afterload, and/or contractility) with Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI) software. This next generation sensor is built on the foundation of the Edwards Lifesciences FloTrac sensor.

Unlocks Acumen
HPI software

Acumen IQ sensor unlocks this first-of-its-kind technology designed to help predict future hypotensive events*.

Heart icon

Attaches to any
radial line

Acumen IQ sensor attaches to any existing radial arterial line and automatically calculates key parameters every 20 seconds.

Enables individualised
patient care

Acumen IQ sensor is part of an advanced haemodynamic family of solutions that help guide individualised treatment decisions.

A hypotensive event is defined as MAP <65 mmHg for a duration of at least one minute.

Features of Acumen IQ sensor

Acumen IQ sensor is available on the HemoSphere advanced monitoring platform. This sensor unlocks Acumen HPI software and enables you to proactively optimise perfusion using continuous blood pressure and advanced haemodynamic parameters. This first-of-its-kind predictive decision support software detects the likelihood of a patient trending towards a hypotensive event* before the event occurs, and provides you with insights to understand the root cause and inform a potential course of action for your patient.1,2

Acumen IQ sensor attaches to any existing radial arterial line and automatically calculates key parameters every 20 seconds, reflecting rapid physiologic changes in surgical and nonsurgical patients in intensive care settings.

Acumen IQ sensor

Advanced haemodynamic parameters

  • Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI)
  • Contractility: Systolic Slope (dP/dt)
  • Afterload: Dynamic Arterial Elastance (Eadyn)
  • Stroke Volume (SV)
  • Stroke Volume Variation (SVV)
  • Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
  • Cardiac Index (CI)
  • Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR)
  • Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV)
A hypotensive event is defined as MAP <65 mmHg for a duration of at least one minute.
Model numbersDescriptionLengthUnit of Measure
AIQS8 Acumen IQ sensor standalone 84 in/213 cm EA
AIQS85 Acumen IQ sensor standalone (5-pack) 84 in/213 cm 5
AIQS6 Acumen IQ sensor standalone 60 in/152 cm EA
AIQS65 Acumen IQ sensor standalone (5-pack) 60 in/152 cm 5
AIQS6AZ Acumen IQ sensor with VAMP adult system 60 in/152 cm EA
AIQS6AZ5 Acumen IQ sensor with VAMP adult system 60 in/152 cm 5

Clinical application

Manage perfusion

Maintaining necessary peripheral perfusion requires adequate peripheral blood pressure and adequate cardiac output. Acumen IQ sensor offers advanced haemodynamic parameters and continuous blood pressure to help you monitor perfusion, and access to the Acumen HPI software which provides you insight to determine the root cause of instability.

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Acumen IQ sensor and Acumen HPI software

Manage volume

Dynamic and flow-based parameters are more informative than conventional parameters in determining fluid responsiveness and may help guide individualised volume administration in patients and avoid excessive or insufficient administration.

Continuous access to pressure and flow parameters allows you to evaluate haemodynamic instability and guide appropriate treatment.3, 4 When managing perfusion, stroke volume can be optimised using the patient’s own Frank-Starling curve.

Frank-Starling relationship between preload and stroke volume (SV)

Acumen intelligent decision support suite

The Acumen intelligent decision support suite offers both predictive decision support and retrospective analysis for the management of hypotension.

Acumen IQ cuff
Acumen IQ cuff unlocks the Acumen HPI software while delivering continuous blood pressure monitoring and advanced haemodynamic parameters noninvasively.
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Acumen IQ cuff (noninvasive)
Acumen IQ sensor
Acumen IQ sensor unlocks the Acumen HPI software and automatically updates advanced parameters every 20 seconds, reflecting rapid physiological changes in patients.
Acumen IQ sensor (minimally-invasive)
Acumen HPI software
Acumen HPI software provides you with information regarding the likelihood of a patient trending towards a hypotensive event, and provides you with insights to understand the root cause and inform a potential course of action.1,2
Learn more >>
Acumen HPI software
Acumen Analytics software
Acumen Analytics software enables you to retrospectively view and analyse haemodynamic parameters, including mean arterial pressure, providing you insights into the frequency, duration and prevalence of intraoperative hypotension in your practice.
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Acumen Analytics software

Edwards clinical education

Haemodynamic education empowering clinical advancement

With a long-term commitment to improving the quality of care for surgical and critical care patients through education, Edwards clinical education meets you no matter where you are in the learning process — with a continuum of resources and tools that continuously support you as you solve the clinical challenges facing you today, and in the future.

Most relevant

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  1. Ward H. van der Ven, Denise P. Veelo, Marije Wijnberge, Björn J.P. van der Ster, Alexander P.J. Vlaar, Bart F. Geerts, One of the first validations of an artificial intelligence algorithm for clinical use: The impact on intraoperative hypotension prediction and clinical decision-making, Surgery, Volume 169, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 1300-1303.
  2. Feras Hatib, Zhongping Jian, Sai Buddi, Christine Lee, Jos Settels, Karen Sibert, Joseph Rinehart,Maxime Cannesson; Machine-learning Algorithm to Predict Hypotension Based on Highfidelity Arterial Pressure Waveform Analysis. Anesthesiology 2018; 129:663–674.
  3. Pratt B, Roteliuk L, Hatib F, Frazier J, Wallen RD. Calculating arterial pressure-based cardiac output using a novel measurement and analysis method. Biomed Instrum Technol. 2007 Sep-Oct;41(5):403-11.
  4. Monnet, X., Teboul, JL. Passive leg raising: five rules, not a drop of fluid!. Crit Care 19, 18 (2015).

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