La perfusión adecuada requiere una presión arterial y un gasto cardíaco (GC) adecuados
Gasto cardíaco (GC) = Volumen sistólico x frecuencia cardíaca
Para saber más sobre el control de la hipotensión, haga clic aquí.
Es fundamental mantener a los pacientes en el rango de volúmenes óptimo. Utilizar parámetros basados en el flujo y dinámicos para guiar la administración de líquidos ayuda a mantener a los pacientes en el rango de volúmenes óptimo.1
La administración de volúmenes insuficiente se asocia con lo siguiente:
- Disfunción gastrointestinal (íleo posoperatorio, NVPO, hemorragia digestiva alta, fuga anastomótica)2
- Complicación infecciosa (hipoperfusión del tejido)3
- Insuficiencia o fallo renal agudo4

La administración de volúmenes excesiva se asocia con lo siguiente:
- Edema pulmonar5
- Disfunción gastrointestinal (síndrome compartimental, íleo, fuga anastomótica)5
- Coagulopatía5

Precarga: la tensión de las fibras del miocardio al final de la diástole, como resultado de los volúmenes en el ventrículo
Volumen sistólico (SV): volumen de sangre bombeado desde el ventrículo izquierdo por latido.
Cuando se administra perfusión, el volumen sistólico se puede optimizar utilizando la propia curva de Frank-Starling del paciente: un diagrama del volumen sistólico (SV) en comparación con la precarga.
El volumen sistólico se optimiza cuando se encuentra en la cima de la curva de Frank-Starling (consulte la figura que aparece más abajo).
La ubicación del paciente sobre su curva de Frank-Starling se puede determinar mediante la medición del ∆SV en respuesta al cambio en la precarga utilizando:
Administración de bolos de fluidos
Elevación pasiva de piernas (PLR)
Los parámetros basados en el flujo y dinámicos son más informativos que los parámetros convencionales para determinar la respuesta de los líquidos y lo pueden ayudar a evitar la administración excesiva o insuficiente de líquidos.7
Los estudios clínicos han demostrado que los métodos de manejo de volúmenes convencionales, en función de parámetros convencionales, son engañosos y faltos de sensibilidad.6
Los parámetros hemodinámicos avanzados, como el volumen sistólico (SV) y la variación de volumen sistólico (VVS), son fundamentales para una administración de líquidos óptima.
Se ha demostrado que la VVS es un indicador altamente sensitivo y específico para la respuesta a la precarga cuando se administra perfusión. Como parámetro dinámico, se ha demostrado que la VVS es un indicador preciso de la respuesta a los líquidos en condiciones de carga inducidas por ventilación mecánica.6,8,9
- Thacker, et al. Perioperative Fluid Utilization Variability and Association With Outcomes: Considerations for Enhanced Recovery Efforts in Sample US Surgical Population. Ann Surg 2015
- Peng, K., et al., Goal-directed fluid therapy based on stroke volume variations improves fluid management and gastrointestinal perfusion in patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery. Med Princ Pract, 2014
- Dalfino et al. Haemodynamic goal-directed therapy and postoperative infections: earlier is better. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care 2011
- Giglio, MT et al. Goal-directed haemodynamic therapy and gastrointestinal complications in major surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. British Journal of Anesthesia 2009
- Shin, C. et al. Effects of Intraoperative Fluid Management on Postoperative Outcomes: A Hospital Registry Study. Annals of Surgery 2017
- Sun, Y. et al. Effect of perioperative goal-directed hemodynamic therapy on postoperative recovery following major abdominal surgery-a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Critical Care 2017
- Goepfert, M.S., et al., Individually optimized hemodynamic therapy reduces complications and length of stay in the intensive care unit: a prospective, randomized controlled trial. Anesthesiology, 2013
Las complicaciones posoperatorias tienen un impacto en la vida humana.10
Las complicaciones importantes ocurren en aproximadamente el 16 % de las operaciones.10
Más allá del riesgo preoperatorio del paciente, la ocurrencia de incluso una única complicación posoperatoria dentro de los 30 días redujo la media de supervivencia del paciente en un 69 %.11
La optimización hemodinámica mediante la TPDO demuestra una reducción de las complicaciones como lesión renal aguda (LRA) y lesión en la zona quirúrgica (SSI), además de reducir la duración de la estancia y los costes asociados en los pacientes de riesgo moderado a alto.12,13
La optimización hemodinámica mediante la TPDO puede hacer lo siguiente:
Reducir las complicaciones posoperatorias en un promedio del 32 %14
Reducir en promedio la duración de la estancia: +1 días14, 15
Coste adicional aproximado de tratar una complicación posoperatoria $18 00016
La TPDO es un protocolo de tratamiento que utiliza parámetros hemodinámicos y basados en el flujo con el objetivo de tomar las decisiones de administración de volúmenes adecuados (p. ej., líquidos solo cuando son necesarios). La TPDO se puede implementar en un procedimiento único o como parte de una iniciativa más amplia, tal como las trayectorias de recuperación mejorada después de la cirugía.
+50 estudios que demuestran el uso de la TPDO
Más de 50 ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorios y más de 14 metaanálisis han demostrado los beneficios clínicos de la optimización hemodinámica con respecto al manejo estándar de volúmenes.
Estudios recientes
- Michard, et al. Perioperative goal-directed therapy with uncalibrated pulse contour methods: impact on fluid management and postoperative outcome. British Journal of Anesthesia 2017
- Pearse, R. et al. Effect of a Perioperative, Cardiac Output–Guided Hemodynamic Therapy Algorithm on Outcomes Following Major Gastrointestinal SurgeryA Randomized Clinical Trial and Systematic Review. JAMA 2014
- Grocott, MP et al. Perioperative increase in global blood flow to explicit defined goals and outcomes after surgery: a Cochrane Systematic Review. British Journal of Anesthesia 2013
- Thiele et al. American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER) and Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) joint consensus statement on perioperative fluid management within an enhanced recovery pathway for colorectal surgery. Periop Med 2016
- Ramsingh , et al. Outcome impact of goal directed fluid therapy during high risk abdominal surgery in low to moderate risk patients: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Monit Comput 2011
- Cecconi, et al. Goal directed haemodynamic therapy during elective total hip arthroplasty under regional anaesthesia. Crit Care 2011
Ensayos controlados aleatorios que demuestran un beneficio en
la terapia perioperatoria dirigida por objetivos
Más de 3000 pacientes se han inscrito en estos 52 ensayos controlados aleatorios (RCT, por sus siglas en inglés) positivos.
PAC, n = 8 (1175 pacientes) |
Doppler, n = 12 (1145 pacientes) |
Contorno del pulso, n = 29 (2621 pacientes) |
Línea A, n = 1 (33 pacientes) |
CVC, n = 2 (214 pacientes) |
Núm. | Título, autor y año | n | Parámetros optimizados | Cirugía | Herramienta | Principales beneficios |
1 | Prospective trial of supranormal values of survivors as tderapeutic goals in high-risk patients. Shoemaker 1988 | 310 | DO2 | General | PAC-1 | “Morbilidad Mortalidad (21 contra 34 %) Ahorros de costes |
2 | Preoperative optimization of cardiovascular hemodynamics improves outcomes in peripheral vascular surgery. Berlauk 1991 | 89 | CI, PCWP, SVR | Vascular | PAC-2 | Morbilidad |
3 | Prospective trial of supranormal values as goals of resuscitation in severe trauma. Fleming 1992 | 67 | DO2 | Trauma | PAC-3 | Morbilidad |
4 | A randomized clinical trial of the effect of deliberate perioperative increase of oxygen delivery on mortality in high-risk patients. Boyd 1993 | 107 | DO2 | General | PAC-4 | Morbilidad Mortalidad (6 contra 22 %) Ahorros de costes |
5 | Perioperative plasma volume expansion reduces the incidence of gut mucosal hypoperfusion during cardiac surgery. Mythen 1995 | 60 | VS | Cardíaco | Doppler-1 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
6 | Intraoperative intravascular volume optimisation and length of hospital stay after repair of proximal femoral fracture: randomised controlled trial. Sinclair 1997 | 40 | VS | Cadera | Doppler-2 | LOS hospitalaria |
7 | Response of patients with cirrhosis who have undergone partial hepatectomy to treatment aimed at achieving supra- normal oxygen delivery and consumption. Ueno 1998 | 34 | DO2 | Hepatectomía | PAC-5 | Morbilidad |
8 | Reducing the risk of major elective surgery: randomised controlled trial of preoperative optimization of oxygen delivery. Wilson 1999 | 138 | DO2 | General y vascular | PAC-6 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria Ahorros de costes |
9 | A prospective, randomized study of goal-oriented hemodynamic therapy in cardiac surgical patients. Polonen 2000 | 393 | SvO2 | Cardíaco | PAC-7 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
10 | Effects of maximizing oxygen delivery on morbidity and mortality in high-risk surgical patients. Lobo 2000 | 37 | DO2 | General | PAC-8 | Morbilidad Mortalidad (16 contra 50 %) |
11 | Randomized controlled trial to investigate influence of the fluid challenge on duration of hospital stay and perioperative morbidity in patients with hip fractures. Venn 2002 | 59 | VS | CADERA | Doppler-3 | Morbilidad |
12 | Goal-directed Intraoperative fluid administration reduces length of hospital stay after major surgery. Gan 2002 | 100 | VS | General | Doppler-4 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
13 | Randomised controlled trial investigating the influence of intravenous fluid titration using oesophageal Doppler monitoring during bowel surgery. Conway 2002 | 57 | VS | Intestinal | Doppler-5 | Morbilidad |
14 | Randomised controlled trial assessing the impact of a nurse delivered, flow monitored protocol for optimisation of circulatory status after cardiac surgery. McKendry 2004 | 174 | VS | Cardíaco | Doppler-6 | LOS hospitalaria |
15 | Intraoperative oesophageal Doppler guided fluid management shortens postoperative hospital stay after major bowel surgery. Wakeling 2005 | 128 | VS | Intestinal | Doppler-7 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
16 | Early goal-directed therapy after major surgery reduces complications and duration of hospital stay. A randomised, controlled trial. Pearse 2005 | 122 | DO2 | General | LidCO-1 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
17 | Randomized clinical trial assessing the effect of Doppler- optimized fluid management on outcome after elective colorectal resection. Noblett 2006 | 108 | VS | Intestinal | Doppler-8 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
18 | Esophageal Doppler-guided fluid management decreases blood lactate levels in multiple-trauma patients: a randomized controlled trial. Chytra 2007 | 162 | VS | Trauma | Doppler-9 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
19 | Goal-directed fluid management based on pulse pressure variation monitoring during high-risk surgery: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Lopes 2007 | 33 | PPV | General | Línea A-1 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
20 | Goal-directed intraoperative therapy reduces morbidity and length of hospital stay in high-risk surgical patients. Donati 2007 | 135 | ERO2 | General y vascular | CVC-1 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
21 | Goal-directed intraoperative therapy based on Autocalibrated arterial pressure waveform analysis reduces hospital stay in high-risk surgical patients: a randomized, controlled trial. Mayer 2009 | 60 | VVS, SVI, CI | Abdominal | Sensor FloTrac-1 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
22 | Intraoperative fluid optimization using stroke volume variation in high risk surgical patients: results of prospective randomized study. Benes 2010 | 120 | VVS, CI | Abdominal y vascular | Sensor FloTrac-2 | Morbilidad |
23 | Haemodynamic optimisation improves tissue microvascular flow and oxygenation after major surgery: a randomised controlled trial. Jhanji 2010 | 135 | SV, DO2 | Abdominal | LidCO-2 | Morbilidad |
24 | Goal-directed haemodynamic therapy during elective total hip arthroplasty under regional anaesthesia. Cecconi 2011 | 40 | DO2 | Cadera | Sensor FloTrac-3 | Morbilidad |
25 | A double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial to assess the effect of doppler optimized intraoperative fluid management on outcome following radical cystectomy. Pillai 2011 | 66 | VS | Cistectomía | Doppler-10 | Morbilidad |
26 | Haemodynamic optimisation in lower limb arterial surgery: room for improvement? Bisgaard 2012 | 40 | SV, DO2 | Vascular | LidCO-3 | Morbilidad |
27 | Outcome impact of goal directed fluid therapy during high risk abdominal surgery in low to moderate risk patients: a randomized controlled trial. Ramsingh 2012 | 38 | VVS | Abdominal | Sensor FloTrac-4 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
28 | Goal-directed intraoperative fluid therapy guided by stroke volume and its variation in high-risk surgical patients: a prospective randomized multicentre study. Scheeren 2012 | 40 | VVS, SV | Abdominal | Sensor FloTrac-5 | Morbilidad |
29 | Intraoperative fluid management in open gastrointestinal surgery: goal-directed versus restrictive. Zhang 2013 | 80 | VVS, CI | Torácico | Sensor FloTrac-6 | Morbilidad |
30 | Individually optimized hemodynamic therapy reduces complications and length of stay in the Intensive Care Unit. Goepfert 2013 | 100 | VVS, GEDI, CI, EVLW | Cardíaco | PiCCO-1 | Morbilidad |
31 | Perioperative goal-directed hemodynamic therapy based on radial arterial pulse pressure variation and continuous cardiac index trending reduces postoperative complications after major abdominal surgery: a multi-center, prospective, randomized study. Salzwedel 2013 | 160 | PPV, CI | Abdominal | ProAQT-1 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
32 | Goal-directed fluid therapy in gastrointestinal surgery in older coronary heart disease patients: randomized trial. Zheng 2013 | 60 | VVS, SVI, CI | Abdominal | Sensor FloTrac-7 | Morbilidad LOS hospitalaria |
33 | Zakhaleva, J., et al., The impact of intravenous fluid administration on complication rates in bowel surgery within an enhanced recovery protocol: a randomized controlled trial. Colorectal Dis, 2013. 15(7): p. 892-9. | 91 | VS | Cirugía abdominal | TED | Morbilidad |
34 | "Peng, K., et al., Goal-directed fluid therapy based on stroke volume variations improves fluid management and gastrointestinal perfusion in patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery. Med Princ Pract, 2014. 23(5): p. 413-20." | 80 | VVS | Cirugía ortopédica | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Recuperación gastrointestinal |
35 | "Zeng, K., et al., The influence of goal-directed fluid therapy on the prognosis of elderly patients with hypertension and gastric cancer surgery. Drug Des Devel Ther, 2014. 8: p. 2113-9." | 60 | VVS | Gastrectomía | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Morbilidad, duración de la estadía en el hospital |
36 | Colantonio, L., et al., A randomized trial of goal directed vs. standard fluid therapy in cytoreductive surgery with hyper- thermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. J Gastrointest Surg, 2015. 19(4): p. 722-9. | 80 | CI, SVI | Cirugía citorreductora | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Morbilidad, duración de la estancia en el hospital |
37 | Funk, D.J., et al., A randomized controlled trial on the effects of goal-directed therapy on the inflammatory response open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Crit Care, 2015. 19: p. 247. | 40 | VVS, CI | Cirugía vascular | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Morbilidad |
38 | "Mikor, A., et al., Continuous central venous oxygen saturation assisted intraoperative hemodynamic management during major abdominal surgery: a randomized, controlled trial. BMC Anesthesiol, 2015. 15: p. 82." | 79 | ScvO2 | Cirugía abdominal | CVC Cevox | Mortalidad y aporte de oxígeno |
39 | Han, G., et al., Application of LiDCO-Rapid in peri-operative fluid therapy for aged patients undergoing total hip replace- ment. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2016. 9(2): p. 4473-4478. | 40 | VVS | Cirugía ortopédica | "PC LiDCO rapid" | Morbilidad |
40 | Hand, W.R., et al., Intraoperative goal-directed hemodynamic management in free tissue transfer for head and neck cancer. Head Neck, 2016. 38 Supl. 1: p. E1974-80. | 94 | VVS, CI, SVR | Cirugía de tejido libre | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Duración de la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos |
41 | Kapoor, P.M., et al., Perioperative utility of goal-directed therapy in high-risk cardiac patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: “A clinical outcome and biomarker- based study”. Ann Card Anaesth, 2016. 19(4): p. 638-682. | 130 | VVS , CI, SVI, SVRI, DO2 | Cirugía cardíaca | "PC FloTrac sensor, Edwards oximetry CVC" | Duración de la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, duración de la estancia en el hospital |
42 | Kumar, L., S. Rajan, and R. Baalachandran, Outcomes associated with stroke volume variation versus central venous pressure guided fluid replacements during major abdominal surgery. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol, 2016. 32(2): p. 182-6. | 60 | VVS | Cirugía abdominal | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Duración de la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos |
43 | Osawa, E.A., et al., Effect of Perioperative Goal-Directed Hemodynamic Resuscitation Therapy on Outcomes Following Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial and Systematic Review. Crit Care Med, 2016. 44(4): p. 724-33. | 126 | CI, SVI | Cirugía cardíaca | "PC LidCO Rapid" | Morbilidad, duración de la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, duración de la estancia en el hospital |
44 | Yuanbo, Z., et al., ICU management based on PiCCO parameters reduces duration of mechanical ventilation and ICU length of stay in patients with severe thoracic trauma and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Annals of Intensive Care, 2016. 6(1): p. 113. | 264 | ITBVI, EVLWI, CI | "Duración de la estadía en la unidad de cuidados intensivos de pacientes con SDRA" | PC PiCCO | Días de MV, duración de la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y ahorros de costes |
45 | Elgendy, M.A., I.M. Esmat y D.Y. Kassim, Outcome of intraoperative goal-directed therapy using Vigileo/FloTrac in high-risk patients scheduled for major abdominal surgeries: A prospective randomized trial. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia, 2017. | 86 | VVS, CI, MAP | Cirugía abdominal importante | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Morbilidad, duración de la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos |
46 | "Kapoor, P.M., et al., Goal-directed therapy improves the outcome of high-risk cardiac patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass. Ann Card Anaesth, 2017. 20(1): p. 83-89." | 163 | "VVS, CI, ScvO2" | Cirugía cardíaca | Conjunto VolumeView, Sensor FloTrac de PC | Duración de la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, duración de la estancia en el hospital |
47 | "Kaufmann, K.B., et al., Oesophageal Doppler guided goal-directed haemodynamic therapy in thoracic surgery - a single centre randomized parallel-arm trial. Br J Anaesth, 2017. 118(6): p. 852-861." | 100 | "SV, CI MAP" | Cirugía de tórax | TED | Morbilidad, duración de la estancia en el hospital |
48 | Liang, M., et al., Effect of goal-directed fluid therapy on the prognosis of elderly patients with hypertension receiving plasmakinetic energy transurethral resection of prostate. Int J Clin Exp Med, 2017. 10(1): p. 1290-1296. | 60 | VVS | Urológico: resección de la próstata | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Morbilidad, duración de la estancia en el hospital |
49 | Luo, J., et al., Goal-directed fluid restriction during brain surgery: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Ann Intensive Care, 2017. 7(1): p. 16. | 145 | VVS, CI | Neurocirugía | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Duración de la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y ahorros de costes, morbilidad |
50 | Weinberg, L., et al., Restrictive intraoperative fluid optimisation algorithm improves outcomes in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy: A prospective multicentre randomized controlled trial. PLoS One, 2017. 12(9): p. e0183313. | 52 | VVS, CI | Abdominal | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Morbilidad, duración de la estancia en el hospital |
51 | Wu, C.Y., et al., Comparison of two stroke volume variation-based goal-directed fluid therapies for s upratentorial brain tumour resection: a randomized controlled trial. Br J Anaesth, 2017. 119(5): p. 934-942. | 80 | VVS | Neurocirugía | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Duración de la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, morbilidad |
52 | Wu, J., et al., Goal-directed fluid management based on the auto-calibrated arterial pressure-derived stroke volume variation in patients undergoing supratentorial neoplasms surgery. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERI- MENTAL MEDICINE, 2017. 10(2): p. 3106-3114. | 66 | VVS, CI, MAP | Cirugía de cerebro | Sensor FloTrac de PC | Morbilidad lactato |
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- Benes, J., Giglio M., Michard, F. (2014) The effects of goal-directed fluid therapy based on dynamic parameters on post-surgical outcome: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Critical Care, 18(5), 584
- Giglio, MT., Marucci, M., Testini, M., Brienza, N. (2009) Goal-directed haemodynamic therapy and gastrointestinal complications in major surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 103(5), 637-46
- Johnson, A., Ahrens, T. (2015) Stroke Volume Optimization: The New Hemodynamic Algorithm. Critical Care Nurse, 35(1), 11-27
- O’Leary, M. (2001) Preventing renal failure in the critically ill. BMJ, 322(7300), 1437-1439
- Holte, K. (2010) Pathophysiology and clinical implications of perioperative fluid management in elective surgery. Danish Medical Bulletin, 57(7), B4156
- Berkenstadt, H., et al. (2001) Stroke Volume Variation as a Predictor of Fluid Responsiveness in Patients Undergoing Brain Surgery. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 92, 984-9
- Cannesson, M. (2010) Arterial pressure variation and goal-directed fluid therapy. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 24(3), 487-97
- Peng, K., Li, J., Cheng, H., Ji, FH. (2014) Goal-directed fluid therapy based on stroke volume variations improves fluid management and gastrointestinal perfusion in patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery. Medical Principles and Practice, 23(5), 413-20
- Michard, F., Mountford, W., Krukas, M., Ernst, F., Fogel, S. (2015) Potential return on investment for implementation of perioperative goal-directed fluid therapy in major surgery: a nationwide database study. Perioperative Medicine, 4, 11.
- Ghaferi, A., Birkmeyer, J., Dimick, J. (2009) Variation in hospital mortality associated with inpatient surgery. New England Journal of Medicine, 361(14), 1368-75
- Khuri, S., Henderson, W., DePalma, R., Mosca, C., Healey, N., Kumbhani, D. (2005) Determinants of long-term survival after major surgery and the adverse effect of postoperative complications. Annals of Surgery, 242(3), 326-41
- Aya, H., Cecconi, M., Hamilton, M., Rhodes, A. (2013) Goal-directed therapy in cardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 110(4), 510-7
- Brienza, N., Giglio, M., Marucci, M., Fiore, T. (2009) Does perioperative hemodynamic optimization protect renal function in surgical patients? A meta-analytic study. Critical Care Medicine, 37(6), 2079-90
- Grocott, M., Dushianthan, A., Hamilton, M., Mythen, M., Harrison, D., Rowan, K. (2012) Perioperative increase in global blood flow to explicit defined goals and outcomes following surgery. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 11, CD004082
- Corcoran, T., Rhodes, J., Clarke, S., Myles, P., Ho, K. (2012) Perioperative fluid management strategies in major surgery: a stratified meta-analysis. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 114(3), 640-51
- Boltz, M., Hollenbeak, C., Ortenzi, G., Dillon, P. (2012) Synergistic implications of multiple postoperative outcomes. American Journal of Medical Quality, 27(5), 383-90
- Bellamy, M. (2006) Wet, dry or something else? British Journal of Anaesthesia, 97(6), 755-7
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