O software Acumen Analytics oferece análise retrospectiva de dados e informações hemodinâmicas sobre a perfusão do paciente, em seu computador pessoal.
Requisitos do Sistema:
- Disco rígido mínimo de 32GB (mínimo) com 3GB disponíveis
- Memória: 8GB RAM
- Compatível com Windows 7, 8 e 10 (32 e 64 bits)
- Suporta arquivos excel que contêm pontos de dados em intervalos de 20 segundos
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- Sellers, D., Srinivas, C., Djaiani, G. (2018). Cardiovascular complications after noncardiac surgery. Anaesthesia, 73 (Suppl. 1), 34 - 42.
- van Waes, J., Nathoe, H., Graa, J., Kemperman, H., de Borst, G., Peelen, L., van Klei, W. (2013). Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery and its association with short-term mortality. Circulation, 127, 2264 – 2271.
- Berkenstadt, H., et al. (2001). Stroke volume variation as a predictor of fluid responsiveness in patients undergoing brain surgery. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 92, 984-9.
- McGee, W.T. (2009). A simple physiologic algorithm for managing hemodynamics using stroke volume and stroke volume variation: physiologic optimization program. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 24(6), 352-360.
- Peng, K., Li, J., Cheng, H., Ji, FH. (2014) Goal-directed fluid therapy based on stroke volume variations improves fluid management and gastrointestinal perfusion in patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery. Medical Principles and Practice, 23(5), 413-20.
- Li, C., Lin, F.Q., Fu, S. K., Chen, G. Q., Yang, X. H., Zhu, C. Y., Zhang, L. J., & Li, Q. (2013). Stroke volume variation for prediction of fluid responsiveness in patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 10(2), 148.
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