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Surgical aortic pericardial valves

Aortic pericardial
Aortic pericardial
Aortic pericardial
Aortic Pericardial
Aortic Pericardial
Aortic Pericardial

Content relating to Edwards Lifesciences devices is intended for healthcare professionals.

Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease aortic valve

Built upon the Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT bioprosthesis design.

carpentier-edwards perimount
carpentier-edwards perimount
carpentier-edwards perimount

A first in design, with a history of demonstrated performance

The Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease aortic valve is part of the proven family of PERIMOUNT surgical valves.

Backed by over 20 years of published clinical studies for proven longevity and demonstrated hemodynamic stability, the Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease aortic valve combines a tested design with the benefits of pericardial tissue to deliver the potential for on-going durability.

Proven PERIMOUNT valve design


Mathematically modeled, bioengineered design

Optimized for hemodynamics, durability and implantability

flexible cobalt
flexible cobalt
flexible cobalt

Flexible cobalt-chromium alloy stent

Absorbs energy to reduce leaflet stress

bovine pericardial leaflet
bovine pericardial leaflet
bovine pericardial leaflet

Three independent bovine pericardial leaflets

Matched for thickness and elasticity to optimize stress distribution

After more than 1 billion cycles, the Magna Ease valve still performed like new14

The Magna Ease valves demonstrated excellent durability after the equivalent of 25 years in simulated in vitro wear, with hydrodynamic performance similar to that of a new valve.

Clinical studies show excellent long-term durability

More long-term clinical study publications than any other bioprosthetic aortic valve.

Aortic pericardial 20 years
Aortic pericardial 20 years
Aortic pericardial 20 years

Actuarial freedom from structural valve deterioration

20 years chart
20 years chart
20 years chart

* Freedom from explant/prosthesis replacement/reoperation due to SVD

Ease of implant

The PERIMOUNT Magna Ease valve offers many key design features that enhance the valve’s ease of implant.

magna ease features
magna ease features
magna ease features

*No clinical data are available that evaluate the long-term impact of the Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix issue process in patients

Demonstrated hemodynamic performance

Excellent EOAs and low gradients based on the proven PERIMOUNT valve design.15

hemodynamic performance chart
hemodynamic performance chart
hemodynamic performance chart



The Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease pericardial bioprosthesis is intended for use in patients whose aortic valvular disease is sufficiently advanced to warrant replacement of their natural valve with a prosthetic one. It is also intended for use in patients with a previously implanted aortic valve prosthesis that is no longer functioning adequately and requires replacement. In the latter case, the previously implanted prosthesis is surgically excised and replaced by the replacement prosthesis.

Materials List

  • Valve leaflets: Bovine pericardium
  • Stent: Cobalt-chromium alloy
  • Fabric covering stent: Polyester cloth
  • Valve sewing ring: Silicone rubber

Tissue Treatment

  • Model 3300TFX features the Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix process, which confronts both major calcium binding sites: residual glutaraldehydes and phospholipids*

General Product Information

  • Storage temperature: 10°C to 25°C (50-77°F)
  • Storage: Glutaraldehyde
  • Rinse procedure: 500 ml (sterile physiological saline solution) x 60 seconds. Repeat once using new saline solution.

*No clinical data are available that evaluate the long-term impact of the Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix issue process in patients

Clinical communiqué

20 year results Carpentier- Edwards PERIMOUNT pericardial aortic bioprosthesis.

The Edwards Advantage

We are committed to providing your institution, clinicians and staff with the highest levels of customer service and support to ensure seamless product implementation and ongoing use, including:

Technical support
10:30am-4:30pm IST

(+91).22.6193.1381 (+91).22.6193.1380

Customer support
10:30am-4:30pm IST

Magna ease
Magna ease
Magna ease

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